The Spiritual War Tool: Fasting And Its Benefits

The Spiritual War Tool: Fasting And Its Benefits

It may seem strange, but sometimes the best way to defeat your enemy is by not fighting them. Fasting is a practice that has been used for millennia as a tool in our spiritual warfare. It’s not just an old wives’ tale. Fasting really does have some powerful benefits, if you know how and why to do it. Cultures across the world have fasted for centuries as a means of spiritual connection with God and their fellow man; it’s not about starving yourself. Fasting is simply abstaining from food or drink for a period of time — something we all do every day by skipping breakfast or dinner. Fasting helps us take control of our appetites and cravings, which are often driven by our senses rather than logic or genuine need. It also trains us to be more alert, attentive, aware and awake to what God is saying to us through His Word and Holy Spirit.

Luke 2:37 

and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.

It Can Strengthen Your Willpower

Willpower is a finite resource — you only have so much of it. But that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to fail at every challenge in life. In fact, there are ways to strengthen your willpower, so you have more to draw on when you need it most. Fasting is one of the best ways to strengthen your willpower. When we’re hungry, our willpower depletes quickly, making it harder to resist temptation. If you’re trying to avoid eating junk food, for example, your willpower will be significantly reduced if you’re hungry.

It Can Help You Develop Self-Control

Self-control is the ability to control your impulses and desires. It’s incredibly important to almost every aspect of your life. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, save money, or get good grades, self-control is key to your success. Fasting can help you develop self-control because it requires you to resist urges. Fasting doesn’t make you less hungry — it actually makes you hungrier than normal. But by resisting the temptation to eat when you’re not hungry, you’re strengthening your ability to resist other urges.

It’s A Form Of Penance

Penance is an action that seeks forgiveness from God for misdeeds and wrongs. It’s a form of reparation, helping us to make amends for any wrong-doing in our lives. It’s a way of connecting to God, asking for His forgiveness and strengthening your relationship with Him. Fasting is one of the oldest forms of penance in the world. Whether you’re Catholic or not, you can use fasting as a way to seek God’s forgiveness for your misdeeds. Fasting is an act of self-denial, which is why it’s such an effective way to show God you’re sorry for something. It’s a great way to repent for your sins without having to go out of your way to do something drastic.

Fasting Helps Repentance

Fasting helps you to feel remorse for your misdeeds, which is an important part of repentance. It’s not enough to just regret something and move on; you have to feel truly sorry for what you’ve done. Fasting is an extreme act that you’re voluntarily performing, which makes it easier to truly feel remorse for your mistakes. It’s not easy to fast, so you can use that hunger as a reminder of the regret you have for misdeeds.

Fasting Helps Temptation

We’re all bombarded by temptation every day. Whether it’s eating unhealthy foods, shopping too much, or watching too much TV, you have to fight temptation every day. Fasting can help you get through those temptations a little bit easier. By fasting, you’re strengthening your willpower, which helps you resist temptation.


Fasting is an ancient practice that has been used since the beginning of civilization as a tool for spiritual connection to God and for strengthening one’s self-discipline and self-control. It’s not just for religious people either; anyone can benefit from fasting. When you fast, you’re abstaining from food, water, or both for a period of time. The length of your fast depends on what type of fast you’re doing, your health, and your goals for fasting. There are different types of fasts you can do, such as a juice fast, water fast, or a nut fast. There are also different reasons to fast, such as to strengthen your willpower, or as a form of penance and repentance.


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