Daily Manna Morning Devotion:The Inquiring Spirit

The Inquiring Spirit - Morning Devotion

Daily Manna: The Inquiring Spirit – Morning Devotion for THURSDAY 15TH OCTOBER 2020.

📜📜 The Inquiring Spirit -Morning devotion TEXT: JOB 31:13-23 📜📜

🔑📖 KEY VERSE: “What then shall I do when God riseth up? and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?” (JOB 31:14).

The Greek philosopher, Socrates, was said to be a familiar figure in the marketplace. He did nothing other than to ask questions. He would quiz the citizens of Athens, the chief city, trying to convince them of their lack of knowledge. Discussions that followed the posers would then lead them to realise that the only lasting foundations of any community are truth and virtue.

A puzzled Job also benefitted from this tradition of interrogating challenges in order to get solutions. Derided by wife after they had lost their children, wealth, and his health, his friends compounded his woes as they trashed his integrity claim and told him his sin had found him out. According to them, Job was only reaping what he sowed.

This triggered questions in the righteous but suffering Job. Going far back into his past, he said he honoured God by providing for the fatherless and the widow as He commanded. Then his questions: “What then shall I do when God riseth up? and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?” He was sure his “perfect heart” would please heaven as King Hezekiah did when he pleaded for his life to be spared.

God Himself has said we should produce our cause and “bring forth [our] strong reasons” (Isaiah 41:21). When life-threatening problems plague us, we can allude to how His grace and mercy have sustained us. We can refer Him to how His unfailing promises have lifted us from hopelessness to a new lease of life which has been of benefit to His Church and the brethren. We can remind Him of the great joy we now have through Christ’s presence in us.

As a result of all these “strong reasons”, we can go ahead to refute the accusations of the enemy that God has forsaken us, and from that point ask Him to prolong our lives for more work for Him.

✍🏽 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY on The Inquiring Spirit: Don’t ask God why; ask what He wants you to do.


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