Devotional: What it means to God

GERMANY 1899: Copy of typical catholic image of heart of Jesus Christ from Slovakia printed on 19. april 1899 in Germany.




📜📜“`TEXT:ROMANS 13:8-14“`📜📜

🔑📖“`KEY VERSE:“` _*”Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law” (ROMANS 13:8).*_

*A story was told of a woman in France, during the coronavirus pandemic, who took care of an infected neighbour until she recovered. All these she did at her own expense. This is love in action. Real love does not count the cost, knows no danger and forgets itself.*

*Our text today calls Christians to practical love that fulfils the Law. God’s commandment is briefly comprehended in this saying: “Love your neighbour as yourself”. Love does not think, plan or work evil to his neighbour. In fulfilling the law, we must be obedient to it. By so doing, we become righteous. We then have the grace to love everyone, including our enemies. As we love, we cannot gossip, backbite, slander or curse anyone.*

*Love is the righteous way, as it helps us to be like God. It helps us to fulfil the laws of God. It helps us to be at peace with all and serve our Creator acceptably, thereby showing our love for Him. Love builds the Church, which Christ approves, as well as builds children in a godly way. Love forms our lives and character; helps us to reward others and show affection to our enemies as Christ has commanded. It also helps to fulfil all righteousness. Jesus said that it is a new commandment, which believers must obey as the evidence of true discipleship.*

*The debt we owe one another is love. Love others as yourself; be pitiful, courteous and forgiving. We cannot manifest love except it comes from Christ and His abiding presence. If we pray, the Lord will fill our hearts with His love.*

✍🏽“`THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:“` _*True love is a mark of true Christianity.*_


Wisdom Hammond: Wisdom Hammond is a Christian, blogger, website designer, lecturer, author, and leadership expert who is using his gift to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ on the Great Commission.

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