Devotional: Fatherly counsel

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📜📜TEXT: PROVERBS 23:26-35📜📜

🔑📖 KEY VERSE: “My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways” (PROVERBS 23:26).

There are two things that easily bring a man to disgrace and reproach. These are immorality and drunkenness. Many have suffered humiliation and avoidable embarrassment due to adultery, fornication and alcohol.

Our text is the plea of our Father in heaven to all His children to give Him their hearts and to let their eyes observe His ways. A man or woman that gives God their heart and allows their eyes to observe God’s ways will never fall into such reproach and disgrace.

Whoever is a drunkard will invariably behold strange things as well as strange women and his heart will brew perverse things. Drunkenness made Noah’s son, Ham, to see his father’s nakedness (Genesis 9:21, 22). Lot’s drunkenness made him commit incest with his two daughters (Genesis 19:33-35). It was a life of immorality that made Reuben, the first born of Jacob, to receive a curse instead of blessing from his father.

Adultery and drunkenness do not only bring sorrow, regrets, troubles, physical injury, bad health and of course shame to their captives, they also result in embarrassment and reproach to the spouse, children, relations and friends. Drunkenness affects a person’s stomach, eyesight, mind and speech, and makes the ability to walk and do the right things difficult. The brain cannot be properly coordinated; hence, one begins to act foolishly and senselessly.

To avoid these calamities in one’s life, one needs to take heed to scriptural counsel through forsaking of all evil ways and sinful lifestyle, repenting of every known sin, asking God for forgiveness and inviting Jesus into one’s heart. Jesus remains the only permanent cure to these evil habits. Surrender your life to Him today.

✍🏽 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Shun drunkenness and immorality!


Wisdom Hammond: Wisdom Hammond is a Christian, blogger, website designer, lecturer, author, and leadership expert who is using his gift to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ on the Great Commission.

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