Daily Devotional: The unmistakable mark




📜📜“`TEXT:1 SAMUEL 18:22-30“`📜📜

🔑📖“`KEY VERSE:“` _*”And Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David…” (1 SAMUEL 18:28).*_

*In so many African countries, tribal marks were used to differentiate families and tribes from others. It was easy to tell a person’s origin merely by looking at his tribal mark. This practice is becoming extinct because the conditions that warranted it hardly still exist. In any case, there are more decent means of identity now.*

*Similar to the African tribal marks, believers have distinguishing marks that differentiate them from the people of the world. Grace, dignity, wisdom and divine presence are the marks. David possessed them. Saul, driven by envy stemming from the high esteem accorded David in Israel for his exploit in killing Goliath, was looking for an opportunity to eliminate him. But he could not because of the divine presence with him.*

*To ensnare David, Saul offered to give him his daughter, Michal, as wife, asking for no money but a hundred foreskins of the Philistines for dowry. He had hoped that David would die at the hands of the Philistines in the process of procuring the strange dowry. But the plot failed; David succeeded.*

*Observe what the Bible says here: “And Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David…”. If you are a child of God, that mark is there. Even your enemies will notice it and, like the case of Saul, will be afraid of you because they know that with the mark upon you, you are destined for a glorious end.*

*It is godliness and holiness experience through repentance and faith in Christ that brings the divine presence.*

✍“`THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:“` _*No holiness, no divine presence.*_


Wisdom Hammond: Wisdom Hammond is a Christian, blogger, website designer, lecturer, author, and leadership expert who is using his gift to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ on the Great Commission.

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